Neu Project Launch


Google is working to create a more welcoming and inclusive world for neurodivergent communities, and The Neu Project is pioneering the movement.

The Neu Project’s goal is to normalize neurodiversity and inspire new methods of inclusion, and ultimately empower event professionals to design inclusive events.

FIRST partnered with Google to help launch The Neu Project with an inspiring video that was debuted at IMEX 2022, an industry-wide conference.

Google Neu Project


Our approach was to celebrate the stories of the project’s team and community, many of whom are neurodivergent themselves.

We wanted to ensure an authentic and emotionally rich video, while also adhering to operational and design best practices for neurodivergent communities.


FIRST directed and produced a powerful video that amplified the stories and experiences of Neu Project team members.

The video was strategically constructed to implement inclusive best practices, including easy-to-read fonts for captions and light background music to prevent overstimulation.

Most importantly, we provided interviewees sufficient time to prepare beforehand and created a safe space for them while filming.

We interviewed participants, heard their experiences, and storyboarded 3 hours worth of content into an impactful 3-minute video, now hosted on The Neu Project website.


  • 8,500+ people visited the project’s website in the first 4 weeks
  • Over 100 event industry contacts showed interest in remaining informed on the initiative
  • Several partnerships are emerging with event and DEI leaders from other top corporations
  • The Neu Project has been featured in 9 industry publications, and was featured in the IMEX post-event press release as a highlights from the 12,000 person trade show


Learn more on how to build neuroinclusive events.

Neuroinclusion Event